The History of CTRC
Three women of vision, Jody Marken, Jaymee Brandt and Carol Chazdon – CTRC’s “Founding Mothers” – meet and develop the idea of a therapeutic riding center. They form Colorado C.A.R.E, becoming the first registered therapeutic riding center in Colorado.
Jody goes to Cheff Center in Augusta, Michigan for two months to attend their Head Instructor Course. The Board of Directors grows to eight members. We become the proud owners of our first horse.
Name is changed to Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center (CTRC). Premier Accreditation is granted. CTRC moves to High Country Stables on Nelson Road in Boulder. Herd has grown to six, tack is brought in by car for each lesson & first mounting ramp is built.
CTRC moves to Schooley’s Boarding Stable on Highway 36, north of Boulder.
CTRC helps to initiate and develop Colorado Council for Handicapped Horseback Riding, a statewide organization for therapeutic riding centers. CTRC begin a relationship, with Special Olympics, hosting a Special Olympics workshop. CTRC holds its first Ride-A-Thon fundraiser.
CTRC begins its first Hippotherapy program, in cooperation with the Mapleton Rehabilitation Center.
CTRC moves to a larger facility on Arapahoe Road in Boulder. Cart driving instruction is first offered. Children with disabilities from Takarazuka, Japan come to spend a week at CTRC to participate in therapeutic riding – a tradition that continued each summer until 2003.
CTRC successfully offers its first comprehensive Therapeutic Riding Instructor training course. CTRC opens a Fort Collins branch, operating at Colorado State University’s Equine Science center.
CTRC holds its first tack sale. CTRC launches its first riding program to serve emotionally disturbed, at-risk youth.
CTRC purchases and moves to its new, permanent home on Mineral Road in Longmont. CTRC hosts the U.S. Special Olympics Qualifying Horse Show.
A new campaign is launched to raise money to construct an indoor riding facility and plans for the construction of an indoor arena are finalized.
Groundbreaking for the indoor arena happens in July, construction is completed in November and grand opening and blessing occurs in December!
CTRC is able to provide classes indoors for the first time in 22 years – quadrupling the number of riders served during winter session. Paint the Pony Annual Campaign launched.
CTRC holds its first ever All Abilities Summer Camp – and it is a huge success. Our old tack building is renovated into “Roy’s Ranch House” an inviting and useful clubhouse for the campers. CTRC offers the American Hippotherapy Association workshop for the first time. Our herd has grown to 24 horses; we are serving 600 participants annually and our volunteer program has grown to 1,000 volunteers annually.
CTRC celebrates its 25th anniversary with a grand on-site Carnival as well as a festive Gala Celebration!
CTRC creates a Mini Troopers program in which miniature horse Carmella along with her staff and volunteer team begin outreach visits.
CTRC holds its first-ever Barn Dance, a new signature event that transforms CTRC’s arena into a marvelous social affair. Construction of the sensory trail is completed allowing participants to explore on horseback, wheelchair or foot an interactive series of obstacles and special sensory areas.
CTRC celebrates its 30th anniversary. CTRC, Children’s Hospital and the University of Colorado receive an National Institute of Health (NIH), four year grant to build upon the initial Pilot Study. This is the first NIH grant to study the human-animal bond. Also, CTRC established their Retired Horse Sanctuary for retired horses after years of service to riders. The Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) awarded Accredited status to CTRC in 2011.
The research project is completed. Initial findings were very positive and suggest that “participation in a well-defined Therapeutic Horseback Riding program of 10 weeks duration can demonstrate a significant improvement in several behavioral and physical parameters.” Measures of behavior, adaptive living skills and motor coordination and planning improved statistically over the course of the study.
CTRC begins the implementation of a social enterprise. The culmination of a three year project examining sustainability strategies, establishing a sustainability plan and the launch and completion of a major fund campaign in order to be able to build the social enterprise.
CTRC celebrates its 35th Anniversary. Circle of Life Pet Cremation Services, CTRC’s social enterprise, becomes operational.
A SureHands lift was donated to CTRC. It makes transferring people with limited mobility onto horses easier and safer for the riders, the horse and the volunteers.
As part of their “Horses for Humanity” initiative, the National Arabian Association donated a life-sized plaster Arabian horse sculpture to CTRC. This became our beloved “painted pony” for the Paint the Pony campaign.